Nearby places of interest
‘La Forêt des Singes’ in the heart of the Causses du Quercy regional natural park. A space for sustainable living and development.
Preserve, animate and promote the natural, cultural and human heritage of its territory, such is the vocation of the Causses du Quercy Regional Natural Park. Created on October 1st, 1999, it is located in the north of the Midi-Pyrénées region, in the Lot department. It brings together 97 municipalities and covers an area of 175,717 hectares. More than 26,000 inhabitants live on its territory. It is one of the 46 French natural regional parks and constitutes one of the four in the Midi-Pyrénées region.
A paradise for hikers, cavers and many other outdoor sports, the Causses du Quercy territory conceals landscapes shaped by an age-old and permanent link between stone and water. The low limestone plateaus, on which dry grasslands extend (the emblematic environment of the Causses du Quercy), are a succession of wooded hills, valleys without rivers, cliffs, canyons… while, almost invisible on the surface, water circulates at depth, in a vast network of underground galleries.
Since prehistory, Man has left his mark on this entire territory. From decorated caves, like the on of Pech-Merle, to the exceptional Cité de Rocamadour, dry stone walls line up everywhere, as well as surprising cazelles. From the daily confrontation with stone was born an architectural tradition which gave nobility to the smallest village, to the smallest house, to the most isolated barn. Castles, Templar commanderies, Cistercian and hospital barns are also witnesses to a long history.
Mobilizing the involvement of all local stakeholders (elected officials, associations, residents, socio-professionals, etc.), the Regional Natural Park is a living space where economic and social development combines with environmental preservation.
Restoration of small rural heritage (walls, wells, fountains, wash houses, etc.), rehabilitation of dry lawns, maintenance of waterways, protection of fauna and flora, support for municipalities in terms of sanitation and housing, development of services to the population, support for crafts, information and awareness, particularly among younger generations, are some of its interventions.
Parc naturel régional des Causses du Quercy
11 rue Traversière – BP 10 – 46240 Labastide-Murat
Tél. 05 65 24 20 50

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